Acquire the knowledge, skills and business tools needed to start a successful small business in this free online course.
This course will guide you through strategies and tactics to kick-start your small business. Discover ways to create and plan for a profitable and successful business on a budget. In addition, you will identify your customer’s wants and desires through a market and competition analysis, including developing solutions, finding suppliers, calculating costs, designing operational processes and finally presenting your brand and selling product.

Are you considering starting a small business but don’t know where to start? Discover an easy and effective way to build a successful and profitable small business, become a more resourceful entrepreneur and equip yourself with all the tools and tactics to put your business in line for success and profitability. This course will help you effectively set up your business by evaluating your strengths and weaknesses using a contingency and safety plan for your assets, health and relationships. Then you will be able to arrange a plan for your business to determine your customers’ wants and needs by developing a unique selling proposition (USP) that attracts their attention, gives them what they want and makes them buy your product. In addition, you will learn how to analyse your competition’s strengths and weaknesses to spot a market gap that you can leverage to set your business apart from the rest of the competition and increase its chances of becoming more profitable.

The course will teach you how to find the proper suppliers for your products, including print-on-demand, drop-shipping, white labels and offshore outsourcing. You will gain deep knowledge and experience of the pros and cons of each supplier to help you decide which one fits best for your business profitability. Furthermore, you will understand the process of hiring employees, including freelancers and professional workers. Learn how to pay your employees fairly while making a profit. Discover the steps to set up, optimise and maximise the business processes for efficiency and profitability. As a result, you will develop and understand what makes your business profitable in terms of productivity and what affects your bottom line. Finally, we will examine breaking down, calculating and analysing the costs of making your product and running your business.

The skills you will gain through the study of this interactive course will help you to make your business more profitable. Become a far more powerful entrepreneur by managing your business processes and focusing on the bottom line of running your business, resulting in a net profit. Become a better marketer by employing your newly acquired knowledge and skills to promote solutions to premium customers and make profitable sales. Learn some of the most advanced strategies other small businesses use to attract customers and increase sales. We will demonstrate how to present your brand visually and attractively to your customers, making your brand look polished. This course includes tons of visuals, examples, case studies, assignments and templates to enhance your learning experience and make it easy and enjoyable. Suppose you are ready to become a successful entrepreneur or a business owner and put your business on the path to efficiency and profitability. In that case, you are in the right place. Enrol now and get your business going.