Learn the tools and techniques used in sales prospecting and lead generation with this free sales and marketing course.
This free online course in sales prospecting and lead generation will teach you about the tools, techniques, and methods for identifying leads and prospects. It will also teach you to research and prepare your sales goals, and to prepare a sales approach to potential new customers. It will also introduce you to the sequence of steps that help salespeople close a sales deal, including prospecting new leads and turning leads into sales.

The sales process is generally divided into seven steps, which include Prospecting, Preapproach, Approach, Presentation, Objections, Closing, and Follow up. This course will give you a clear understanding of these seven steps. You will learn that salespeople have to adapt to what is important to each customer and understand where each customer is in the buying process. You will also learn that appearances are often misleading, so you have to gain a better understanding of your customers by asking the right questions.

Making your goals and objectives SMART can make or break a sale. This course will teach you all about SMART processes. You will learn how a well-planned presentation can be developed in order to earn your customers’ trust and respect. The course will teach you that first impressions are quickly formed, difficult to change, and can have a lasting effect. The course will then teach you about the role of first impressions, the importance of a strong approach, and the main types of sales approaches.

Next, the course will guide you through the 6 Cs of Selling. These will help you anticipate your customers’ responses, and adapt and execute your sales approach with success. The course will also teach you the three points to keep in mind when approaching a B2B Contact. Finally, you will study the 5 key points to keep in mind when brainstorming for solutions and opportunities toward a customer’s specific problem. So why wait? Check out the course today, and start boosting your sales skills in no time.