Master the strategies involved in international marketing and supply chain management in this free online course.
The key to any business success is making people aware of what you are selling and arranging to get it to them efficiently. This course investigates the definition of ‘international marketing’ and ‘supply chain management’ and goes on to discuss the major global strategies that successful firms adopt for different markets. Boost your international marketing and supply chain management skills by studying this comprehensive course.

Would you like to master the art of influencing consumer buying decisions? The fundamental objective for all businesses is to earn a profit from their business operations and the ability to convince customers and meet their needs is essential to making that goal a reality. This course offers you a comprehensive review of top-level international marketing and supply chain management strategies that have propelled major international businesses to worldwide dominance. Beginning with global pricing, one of the most critical and complex issues in international marketing, you will investigate price discrimination and its causes. Gain insight into the delicate pricing balance and the reasons for international market segmentation.

Delve deep into the concept of ‘transfer prices’, the sales transactions between entities belonging to the same company used when individual entities of a larger multi-entity firm are treated and measured separately. Go on to uncover ‘predatory pricing’, which uses price as a competitive weapon to drive weaker competitors out of a national market. You will analyse ‘construct equivalence’, which deals with whether marketing constructs have the same meaning and significance in different countries. Contrast that with ‘functional equivalence’, which examines whether a given concept or behaviour serves the same role or function in other countries. Further explore ‘conceptual equivalence’, which deals with the interpretation of brands, products, consumer behaviour and marketing efforts.

Supply chain management entails managing the flow of goods and services and includes all processes that transform raw materials into final products. The course will discuss the key components that the success of global operation strategies depends on. You will learn that the global operations strategy’s compatibility refers to the degree of consistency between the foreign investment decision and the company’s competitive strategy. You will then realise that global logistics and distribution have played a critical role in the growth and development of world trade and the integration of manufacturing on a world scale. Finally, you will study materials management, physical distribution, international human resource management and manufacturing strategies. This course will be of interest to students pursuing Business Studies, those in logistics or those who want to elevate their international business knowledge significantly. Why wait? Start this course today and become an international marketing and supply chain management authority.