Do you know why understanding the prevailing marketing environment is crucial to developing a marketing strategy?
Strong strategic marketing and a firm understanding of the marketing environment go hand in hand. In this free course, you begin by looking at consumer behaviorial models and how they can help you to segment the market and develop an effective marketing plan. You will also learn about all the internal and external factors that make up the marketing environment in which a business has to operate, and how these impact your marketing strategy.

If you are starting out in marketing, human resources management or corporate communications, this free online course will be helpful in furthering your knowledge of strategic marketing and the marketing or business environment in which you operate.

It begins by introducing you to consumer behaviour models, specifically the Howard Sheth model and how it works in the Indian context. Next, the course will cover strategic marketing, analyzing the market, as well as market segmentation. It discusses different models and strategies to create the biggest benefits of marketing plans. It will also look at gap analysis and segmenting the market to find the right audience to sell a product to and the best way to go about it.

Finally, you will look at aspects surrounding the market environment and study the marketing mix and sale elements involved in it. The course also looks at the business-to-business (B2B) markets as well as the importance of macro-environmental factors on marketing strategies. You will end with a grounding in decision models and an understanding of how to navigate the importance of e-business or doing trade almost exclusively online.