The free online course teaches how to construct a business plan through interactive business and marketing lessons.
This business planning course from Driven By… Co. provides the tools you need to start your business and construct a business plan. It is designed for budding entrepreneurs or small business owners looking for the knowledge and guidance to complete their business plans! Discover the next step and sharpen your business skills as you write your business strategy during interactive lessons that teach you about business operations in Canada.

Having a plan for your business is essential for your success. Many variables and moving parts in the industry must be managed and aligned for business operations to be successful. Writing a business plan provides clarity, direction and focus for the organisation, improving management and decision-making processes. In this course, you will learn the key components of business planning to increase organisational effectiveness and operational efficiency.

This course provides a complete overview of what is required to start a business in Canada, including identifying the correct business structure for your operations and how to create a strong brand. This course guides you through a target market analysis in addition to internal and competitive analyses to map out the business landscape. You will discover key insights about your industry with the required research questions and activities, creating a strong foundation for your business. We will also guide you through marketing and branding strategies so that you can assess marketing channels and potential advertising campaigns for your business.

Sales and income are the lifeblood of business. Therefore creating a solid accounting system and developing foundational financial knowledge is imperative for starting a business. We have included an in-depth module on accounting and finance, demonstrating record-keeping practices, and an interactive demonstration of how to generate the primary financial statements (balance sheet, income statement and cash flow statement). With this course, you will experience the benefits of business planning and how it can increase profitability and business longevity.